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Services Menu | Option 3

One retreat (6 hours) and five sessions, each two hours long (10 hours). No small group study is provided with this option. Fulfills 16 hours.

Dear Principal/Vice Principal/Head Teacher/School Leader, 


Please indicate below if you are completing this form for an individual school or a grouping of schools. If you are filling out the form for a grouping of schools, please list all the schools in the group for which you are filling in the dates, along with the number of teachers at each school. We will contact all principals for your group after having received your dates.

I am completing this form for...

Contact Information

Retreat Date Requests

We will do our best to accommodate your preferred dates, but please be sure to provide alternative dates where indicated. All dates will be considered on a first-come-first serve basis. The Differentiated Retreats offered in the past may be requested, but will only count towards 3 hours. Schools may request a second retreat date, but the second retreat will not count towards formation hours reported to the Archdiocese and will be priced at full cost to the school. Both Differentiated Retreats and a second full-day retreat should be negotiated with Dcn. Omar Gutierrez.

Retreats will run from 9:00am-3:00pm

Single choice
We are willing to be included with other schools for the retreat.
We would like to retreat just with our staff.

Session Date Requests

All sessions will be two hours with break.

Start Time
Start Time
Start Time
Start Time
Start Time
Start Time
Start Time
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