Tune into our new series, Teaching Truth on Spirit Catholic Radio where each of our EI instructors take turns discussing a variety of topics of interest in the Catholic faith.
This program airs the second Wednesday of each month at 7:10am on Spirit Catholic Radio.
Latest Segment
December 1, 2024 | Advent with Caryl Houselander
Dcn. Omar shares insights of this 20th century mystic about the purpose of Advent and how Our Lady can help us through it.
Previous Segments
November 13, 2024 | Remembering Our Dead
Instructor, Evan Collins, sits down with Spirit Mornings hosts to discuss death, purgatory, and the communion of saints.
October 9, 2024 | Catholic Voting
Dcn. Omar talks about voting as a Catholic. Do we have to vote? If so, what does the Church say should guide our voting? Do US Bishops provide some help? These questions and more are addressed.